Discuss the importance and Legacy of the Ikshvakus?

Ikshvakus were the vassals of the Sathavahanas. After the fall of the Sathavahanas, Ikshvakus started their reign under the kingship of Visishtaputra Santhamula. Their capital was Sriparvate Vijayapuri, which is nothing but Nagarjuna Konda. Even though their reign was not much long, their contribution to Andhra was immense in-terms of art, architecture, Culture and political integration.


During the reign of Ikshvakus, Brahmanism, Buddhism and Jainism flourished together. For example, Sri Santhamula, a staunch follower of the Bramhanism brought Bramhins from North and performed Rajasuya and Vajapeya Yajnas. Whereas his sister SanthaSri gave immense contribution in construction of the Viharas and chaityas at NagarjunaKonda.

During their reign, Puranic Gods such as Vishnu is worshipped as Ashtabhuja Swamy, Pushpabhadra Swamy and Kartikeya. For Ashtabhuja Swamy, a temple was constructed by wife of king Ehulva Santhamula, Kupanasri. For Pushpabhadra swamy, a temple was constructed by commander SAKASENA. Both are constructed at Nagarjunakonda. These constructions later paved the way for the Dravidian Style of Architecture.

Shakti is worshipped as Hariti.


Ikshvakus, especially King Veerapurusha Dutta made immense contribution to the growth of education. He built the SRI PARVATHA University at Nagarjuna Konda, Where Mahayana's Chief Proponent, Acharya Nagarjuna wrote MULA MADHYAMIKA KARIKA. His successor, Aryasangha wrote SUTRA-ALANKARA. Great hinayana monk, Buddh Gosha brought back original pali texts from Sri lanka and wrote authoritative text on hinayanism, VISUDHI MAGA. All such authoritative texts were written in Sri Parvatha University.

Mandata Sculpture

Utility of Sculpture as art form reached its zenith under Ikshavakus. A Sculptors-Style of Art was started, where Names of sculpture is mentioned. The most important and elegant Sculpture is MANDATA SCULPTURE, where for the first time, a Chakravarthy was depicted  in entire India.

Apart from royal people, VEERAGAL, Body gaurds, who laid their life for the sake of king, are also depicted on Sculpture.

Amaravathi School of Architecture:- 

Amaravathi school of architecture reached the culmination under the Ikshvakus. Delicacy, decorative forms and reflection of life  and all other elements reached perfection under Ikshavakus.

In this way, Ikshvakus played important role in Culture, art&architecture and Political integration of the Andhra. Even though they continued many elements, traditions of Sathavahanas, they left behind their mark in every sphere.

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