Discuss the Growth, Spread and Contributions of Buddhism in Andhra Pradesh?

The Spread of Buddhism in andhra pradesh and its growth is known from various sources such as Buddhist Jatakas, Hiuen Tsiang's Si-Yu-Ki and various other sources.

Andhra during Buddha's Lifetime:-

As per Si-Yu-Ki, Buddha visited the Andhra Pradesh in the 16th year after enlightenment. He reached amaravathi and preached two Chakras such as Dhanya and Kaala to Monk Dashamalla. Thatswhy, Amaravati is also known as the Dhanyakatakam in ancient days. As he taught 10 Dharanis, magic spells at amaravati, It is also known as the Dharanikota. 

On his visit, he attracted several tribes such as Nagas, Pundras, Pulingas and several other tribes. According to Buddhist Jatakas, Muchilinda of Nagas became the body guard of Buddha and Eripatra of nagas was so excited to have the glance of the Buddha. 

Buddhism attracted tribal people mainly as they desisted the segmentary social stratification of Bramhanism. Tribal people likes the egalitarianism and wanted to excel based on profession rather than by Birth like Bramhanism. 

Thatswhy, Egalitarian principles and Tenets of buddhism attracted the tribal people. 

After Buddha in Andhra Pradesh:-

With the course of time, Buddhism proliferated in Andhra region. Buddhism was successful in consolidating the various tribes under one religion. 

Mahdeva Bikshu from andhra pradesh attended 2nd Buddhist Council held at vaishali and posed five questions, which later led to the first schism in buddhism. Two groups are Mahasangikas, Pro-changers and Theravadins, Non-Changers. 

Mahdeva Bikshu introduced five sects of Buddhism in Andhra Pradesh such Purvaseliya, Uttaraseliya, Aparaseliya, Rajagirika and Siddhatthaka. Mangalagiri, Amaravati, Jaggayaptea, Gudivada and nagarjuna Konda are mains prominent centres for those sects. 

Mahayana, Hinayana and Vajrayana existed in Nagarjuna Konda, Amaravati and Salihunda respectively. Nagarjuna Konda was important centres of Buddhist learning in ancient times. It is the place, where Acharya Nagarjuna wrote Mula Madhyamika Karika, Rasaranajani and various other works. He introduced SUNYAVADA philosophy into buddhism and regarded as the 2nd Buddha. 

His successor Aryasangha wrote Sutralankara and Buddha-Gosha, a staunch follower of hinayanism brought original pali texts from sri lanka and wrote an authoritative text in hinayanism called VISUDHIMAGA.

Maitreyanada introduced Vijnanavada Philosophy in andhra pradesh. Apart from that, Padma sambhava introduced kaala Chakra in Tibet for the first time. 

In this way, buddhism flourished and spreaded to many places in Andhra Pradesh such as Mangalagiri, Gudivada, Amaravati, jagayyapeta, Gudiamallam, Bojjanakonda, Bhattiprolu, Salihundam and many other Places. Amaravati, Bhattiprolu and Jagayyapeta are considered sacred and DATIGRABHITA as those place having stupas containing Buddha's Original Relics. 

Patronage to Buddhism:-

Buddhism received immense contributions from various Kings and Queens. For example, Gautami putra Satakarni and Yajnasri Satakarni helped monks to construct various viharas and chaityas. Santhasri, sister of Visishtraputra Santhamula gave immense contribution for the construction of Viharas at Nagarjua Koda. King Veerapurusha Dutta made contributions in establishing Sri Parvata University at Nagarjuna Koda.

Contribution of Buddhism to Andhra Pradesh:-

For the Polity and Administration:-

Buddhism attracted various tribes and consolidated them into one, which immensely helpful for the Sathavahanas and Ikshvakus to achieve the efficiency in administration. 

As the buddhism promotes the egalitarianism and welfare state, it helps the administration to function smoothly, which inturn brought forth prosperity among the people. 


Contribution of Buddhism to education was immense. Sriparvata university became the centre of learning in almost all the south india. 

It popularised Prakrith Language and brought forth richness to it. In entire South India, Ikshavakus became the first one to issue Inscription in Sanskrit. 

Art and Architecture:-

In terms of Art and Architecture, Contribution of Buddhism was immense and unparalleled.  Amarvathi School of Architecture was wonders of those times. Amaravathi Stupa was biggest in ancient times.

Amaravathi school of architecture produced the beautiful and life like images and it was the first one to utilise in art during ancient times. 

In this way, Buddhism contributed much to the Andhra Pradesh, to where Buddha came down and spreaded the Buddhism, which flourished in the course of time. Andhra became the base for the spread of buddhism in South India, Sri Lanka and other surrounding littoral nations. 

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