Discuss about the Political importance of the Satavahanas?

Sathavahanas ruled the southern india in 2BCE-2AD. After the fall of Mauryas, Sathavahanas consolidated the Andhra, Telangana and surrounding regions and protected it from Saka in Saurashtra, Kanvas in Pataliputra and Chedis in Odisha.

Sathavanas are originally Vassals of Mauryas. Srimukha is the founder of the sathavanas. He defeated "Mahrathi Tranarayika" and arranged a marriage of his son with Maharathis' daughter, Naganika.

Satakarni-1 consolidated his kingdom by defeating all neighbouring kingdoms. He established his suzerainty over entire south india, except in the kingdoms of chera, chola and pandya. He defeated Pushyamitra Sunga and Kharavela of chedi dynasty and adopted the title of Dakshinapathapathi. He performed 2 ashwameda yagas and 1 rajasuya yaga. To commemorate his victory over sungas, he issued Ujjain type of coins.

After his death, His queen ruled over the kingdom on behalf of her minor sons. Queen Naganika laid Naneghat inscription to commemorate victories of her husband.

Satakarni-II was one of the important ruler of this dynasty. He defeated the last ruler of Kanva Dynasty, SUSHARMA and ended the kanva dynasty. He was the only andhra king to reach that far at those times. To commemorate that event, He got the emblem of Pataliputra inscribed on his coins.

Gautamputra Satakarni was the warrior and defeated almost all neighbouring kingdoms and even defeated Saka Kshatraps, Nahapanudu. To commemorate this occasion, SALIVAHANA era was started at 78A.D.

Yagnasri Satakarni was one of the important rulers at the times of deterioration of kingdom. After his reign, sathavahana kings started to loose their control over the administration.

Nearly for 400 years, Sathavahanas ruled large tracts of south india and protected it from the different attacks. Under their rule, people of their kingdom developed their culture multifariously. Art&Culture, Paintings, architecture, Music and many other flourished during their kingdom. Peaceful conditions and Borach in western region and Mysoli in the eastern region and many other ports gave prosperous trade and commerce to their kingdom. 

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