Ethics and its Essence

Q) What is the Ethics and Discuss the Importance of the Ethics?


Ethics is the shared Standards or Norms of Right and Wrong, which are used in decision making process. 

Ethics are developed by a society over a period of time. 

Why Ethics is Important?:-

Ethics is important because of its following features:

* Negative Entropy:  In this world, any creation of man is subjected to entropy. If we take Indus valley Civilisation, it underwent the Entropy. Thatswhy, we seek Negative Entropy to sustain the society and civilisation. Ethics, which brings the order in the society counters the entropy. 
Ex:- Chinese and Indian Civilisations, which are continuing since more than 3 millennium years. Indians are so compassionate that Bishnoi people even extended their breast milk for the Deer.

* Brings the Order into Society: For sustainable progression of the society, it requires chaotic free society, which can be established by practicing the Ethics. 
Ex:- Ethics brings standard of conduct, which overtime becomes the tradition and when it is codified, it becomes the Law. 

* Identity to the Country: Ethics not only regulates but also gives identity to particular society or country. 
Ex:- India is regarded as peace loving country because of its maintenance of ethical standards at domestic affairs and international engagements. 

* Shaping individuals: It broadens the vision of the individual by showing the distinction between right and wrong. It provides good character and Habits, which enabled the person to go great heights in any stream of pursuit.
Ex:- i. Ethical individuals like Ashok Khemka are able to distinguish between right and wrong and continuously upholding the righteousness. 
ii. Bill gates, who is one of the world’s richest man is able to serve all over the world through charity. It is because of his moral standards and ethical values. 

*  Cultivation of value System: It inculcate the values in people and nourish them in long run. 
Ex:- Courage, Justice, Freedom, Liberty, Secularism and many other values are inculcated for the progress of individual as well as society whole. 

*  Solidarity: Societies and civilisations sustain because of the solidarity between people, groups and countries. Such solidarity not only accumulate the people but make them Progressive. Such solidarity is upheld by Ethics. 
Ex:- i. Climate Justice, International Peace, Good Samaritans in case of accidents and others are results of Ethics in one’s actions. 
ii. Sonam Wangchuk has been striving for the progress of Ladakh because of his ethical values, which emanated from his concern towards his society. 
iii. Bachpan Bachao Andolan, which safeguarded more than 3 lakh children from child labour, is sustaining on ethical values. 

In this way, we can say Ethics is important tool for broadening the vision of the individual. Literally, we can say Ethics makes a man into a social human being. 

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